Tasks and goals of the Advisory Board of the corporate members


Fortify and expand the knowledge on phytotherapy in current and future activities of physicians, pharmacists, and consumers.

Basis for actions taken

The statutes of the Society for Phytotherapy foresee the formation of an advisory board for corporate members, i.e., the pharmaceutical companies that are members in the society. According to the statutes, the corporate members' advisory board advises the Board of Directors in all matters of phytotherapy that, in their opinion, are important.


Together with teachers, researchers, prescribers, advisors, and users, the knowledge about the existing and future portfolio of herbal medicinal products and therapies with natural active substances shall be fortified and expanded to benefit the consumer. It is intended to include as many of these target groups as possible. The idea of unity through cooperation should lead to results that benefit as many people as possible – and ideally all participants. Phytotherapeutic skills of these groups are to be strengthened together and for each other. A realistic and general acceptance of phytotherapy by regulatory authorities, political bodies, and the public should be strengthened and expanded.

Examples of tasks

The Corporate Advisory Board has dealt with pharma-political, regulatory and medicinal-scientific questions. Examples: ethanol in herbal medicinal products, written statement procedure of the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA) on herbal medicinal products, and suggestions for the contents of symposia and further education events. Part of the work also includes statements in response to recent topics, e.g., the performance of clinical trials in children, as currently being discussed at the European level. Meetings take place approximately every six months.