Formation and tasks of the Scientific Advisory Board
The Board of Directors and the Scientific Advisory Board have the same terms of office. The currently acting Scientific Advisory Board was appointed in 2016.
The focus of the Scientific Advisory Board is:
- the planning and scientific guidance of congresses: members of the Scientific Advisory Board actively contribute to the definition of topics, the selection of speakers, and the assessment of submitted abstracts.
- the support of the Board of Directors in the intensification of the cooperation with the Austrian and Swiss Societies for Phytotherapy. Joint congresses are planned.
- the further education of physicians and pharmacists, which is considered a very important task. The professional skills of many physicians and pharmacists in dealing with the manifold possibilities of a qualified application of herbal medicinal products are relatively low. A program for further education shall be elaborated with the aim of making the possibilities and limitations of phytotherapy transparent based on valid clinical data.
- the planning of regular summer school sessions for young scientists, which are to take place in Münster with the support of the GPT.
- the support of the editors of the journal Zeitschrift für Phytotherapie by members of the Society for Phytotherapy by making contributions and, thus, strengthening the rubric Research of the journal.