Board of Directors
The Board of Directors promotes the Society’s activities and implements the decisions of the general assembly. The board is newly-elected every three years at the general assembly.
The last regular election of the Board of Directors took place at the general assembly during the Congress on Phytotherapy on June 2, 2016. The current Board of Directors consists of Professor Karin Kraft (Rostock) as president, Dr. Rainer Stange (Berlin) and Dr. Barbara Steinhoff (Bonn) as vice presidents, and Mrs. Cornelia Schwöppe (Bonn) as treasurer.
The extended board is made up of Dr. Heidi Braunewell (Oberursel), Professor Dr. Detmar Jobst (Bonn), Dr. Olaf Kelber (Mainz), Professor Dr. Jost Langhorst (Essen), and Dr. Günter Meng (Mainz).
Mr. Christoph-Daniel Hohmann (Berlin), who stepped-down in 2019, is no longer a member of the board.
All members of the Board of Directors act as private persons on behalf of the board. In this function, they are independent from their corresponding professional affiliations to institutions, companies or other organizations.